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Wednesday 26 June 2019

Do You Think You Have Lost Everything? Help Tips!


There are going to be storms of stress, torrents of tragedy, gales and gusts of grief, and floods of failure. When these things happen, the typical, often unanswerable question we ask is “Why?” “Why is this happening to me? Why is this going on?” We may never get an answer to these questions on this side of eternity, but I’ve discovered from other people’s experiences that we often don’t need an explanation as much as encouragement. Explanations don’t encourage us. Therefore, it’s far more helpful, instead of asking “Why?” to ask “What?” “What do I do now? What’s next?”

Whether you’ve lost a loved one, your job, your financial security, or a dream, your heart is broken. What do you do when it seems you’ve lost it all? How do you rebuild your life?

Steps to rebuilding your life

1. Release your grief.

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