Reflections:You need to finish that race! - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Reflections:You need to finish that race! | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Monday, 7 November 2016

Reflections:You need to finish that race!


I re-connected with an amazing old friend last week and during the course of our long-catching-up-funny discussion, he talked about how he has stopped chasing his main life goals and academic pursuits. I encouraged him with strong words and admonished him not to give up.
An athlete who is training in the hopes of reaching the Olympics must keep that vision, that goal, ever before him. He has the “Olympic vision,” and this gets him through every rough and grueling workout or practice. This makes the lack of time off, the fatigue during the day, the times when he gets little sleep at night, a nonevent.—Because that goal, that vision, becomes more important than any temporary pang of today. 

In order to survive those years of training, that goal has to be worth it—it has to be worth everything to him. And once he decides that it is, then he fights to remain focused on that goal and to keep that vision before him at all times.

 Many of you have already made those decisions; but now comes the period of tenacity and determination when you fight to not lose focus.
 So rejoice and be glad for all the races that lie ahead, and let this encourage your hearts. For God shall give you many races. Each has a starting line and a finish line, so that when you complete each race, each goal, you may be encouraged as you see the progress.

 So keep on fighting, climbing, and winning—and don’t quit! Keep looking to God, keep listening to Him and receiving His strategy, His plan, His signals, and His plays. He will never let you down. You’re on the winning team!

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