July 2016 - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE: July 2016 http://go.ad2upapp.com/afu.php?id=1182571





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Wednesday 27 July 2016

FG To Revive 10,000 Health Centres


The Federal Government was determined to revamp 10, 000 Primary Health Care (PHC) Centres across the nation.

The Minister of State for Health, Osagie Ehanire, dropped the hint in Benin City, while unveiling the maiden edition of a Journal, "Annals of Medical and Surgical Practice," published by the Edo State branch of Nigerian Medical Association (NMA).

Reflections:Yes, He Forgives


Some people are mad at God because they think He is angry with them. They think He will never forgive them for what they’ve done, that their sin was too great, their pardon impossible.
            But there can come a beautiful moment when we realize that He understands whatever it is we are ashamed of, and He hurts for us, for our failings. He does not gloss over the enormity of it, but in full knowledge of our failing, He forgives it all.  Then the anger melts away at joy, at the sense of falling into His arms in gratitude. There is nothing so pure, so free, so clean as the feeling of being totally forgiven. Our anger disappears; peace remains.
            --Chloe West

Wednesday 13 July 2016


Life's yesterdays have passed forever beyond our reach: God has them in His keeping. Leave them there!

My yesterdays,
      So filled with guilt and shame,
      My yesterdays are gone,
      Oh praise His name!

Monday 4 July 2016

Reflections:What Do You Believe?


The creator of heaven and earth is the Ancient of Days and there is none like Him. There is this story about three monkeys discussing about where man came from.
These monkeys sat in a coconut tree Discussing, Said one to the other, “Now listen, you two, There's a certain rumor that can't be true:

That man descended from our noble race--The very idea! It's a dire disgrace!
 No monkey ever deserted his wife, Starved her baby and ruined her life, And you've never known a mother monkey to leave her baby with others to bunk. Here's another thing a monkey won't do:
 Go out at night and get in a stew, Or use a gun or club or knife To take some other monkey's life.
 Yes! Man descended ! But brother, he didn't descend from us!”

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