June 2016 - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE: June 2016 http://go.ad2upapp.com/afu.php?id=1182571





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Wednesday 29 June 2016

Couple arrested after Mum breastfed her baby few hours after snorting cocain


A couple in Arizona, Som Lisaius, 42, and Krystin Sorich Lisaius, were arraigned on several charges, including child abuse, possession of a dangerous drug and drug paraphernalia on Monday but both plead not guilty in court.

The woman rushed her baby who fell ill to a hospital and refused to do a toxicology test despite cocaine showing in the four month old baby's system but she later admitted to police that she used the hard drug, but didn't think the baby would be harmed if 12 hours had passed before breast-feeding.

Jason Day backs out of Rio Olympic Games over fear of Zika virus


The world's No.1 golfer, Jason Day  has cited fears of Zika virus as his reason for not participating in the Rio Olympics to take place in Brazil this summer.

Read what he wrote:

Photo:26kg Giant Fibroid Removed From A Woman By Nigerian Doctors


Doctors at a Nigerian hospital removed a giant fibroid weighing 26kg from a woman's stomach.

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Are you always forgetful?


Are you always forgetful? Then read this
Do you know that there are foods that are great for brain health? Check them out and make sure to not miss out on these great foods.

Tomato juice and sauce contain folate, lycopene and other nutrients to keep arteries young. The recommended serving is 8 ounces a day of juice.

Olive oil, nut oils, fish oils, flaxseed and avocados contain heart-healthy mono-unsaturated omega-3 and omega-9 fats. Twenty-five percent of daily calories should be healthy fats.

Monday 27 June 2016

Lead Poisoning Alert:Children Are Dying In Shikira Community, FG Please Help


Over 28 children in Shikira community, in Rafi Local Government Area of Niger State, has died from Lead poisoning and over 300 are believed to have high level of Lead in their blood!

At first, the medical reason was not known. One child after another, all under three years of age, developed the same symptoms: had high fever, were restless, cried excessively, convulsed, and then died.

Reflections:The unbeatable choice


One of the main reasons we're here in the first place, from the Garden of Eden to the present, is to learn how to make decisions under God's guidance. All of life is that way. We must constantly make decisions and choices. If we know and love and want to please Him and do what's right, this causes us to seek Him in prayer and ask Him for the answers. It makes us dependent on Him as we try to make the right decisions so we'll go the right direction.
God always knows what's best and chooses only what's best for you--the unbeatable choice. So don't make the mistake of telling Him what to do or how to do it. Learn to get His answers, and you will find that His program is best. ---David Brandt Berg

Friday 24 June 2016

Health workers warning strike is illegal- FG


The Minister of Labour and Employment, Senator Chris Ngige, said in a statement that negotiation was already ongoing with the unions over their demands, pointing out that embarking on strike when negotiation is ongoing, is illegal.

The statement said: “The attention of the Federal Government has been drawn to the activities of a group of trade unions operating as an unregistered Joint Health Sector Union (JOHESU) under the Federal Ministry of Health, which has declared a seven-day warning strike effective today, June 22nd, 2016.

Thursday 23 June 2016

Sanitation task force begins assesment of hospitals in Kebbi


The Kebbi State task force on environmental sanitation has tasked hospitals in the metropolis to improve health facilities in their premises.

The acting Chairman of the task force, Alhaji Bagudu Diggi, said this during a routine assessment and enforcement exercise to the hospitals.
Diggi described the sanitation of the state owned Sir Yahaya Memorial Hospital in the metropolis as satisfactory and urged the management to sustain cleanliness and hygienic toilets and wards as well as refuse collection and disposal.

Uniabuja conducts skill acquisition workshop for its health workers


The Medical and Health Workers Union of Nigeria (MAHWUN), University of Abuja Teaching Hospital branch organised a three-day skills acquisition and entrepreneurship development for its members. The program started on Wednesday.

While addressing the participants, the branch chairman of the union, Comrade Stephen Oricha, said the programme was organized to enable members’ live better lives, even after retirement.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

CNB Fruity Talks:Grapes (Berries)


The cultivation of grapes dates back more than 5,000 years in Egypt, and they were highly developed by the Greeks and Romans. Today there are nearly 200 cultivated varieties, In fact, they are called the ''nectar of the gods''.
There are different kinds of grapes, in Nigeria, we have our own species of sweet dark brown berries too. I see a lots of them around Port Harcourt and its environs especially at the local markets.

Try all kinds of grapes, rinse them and eat them. Most of the times the grape juice available in the market is not pure. You can buy fresh grapes from the nearest fruit stall and prepare the juice yourself.
See some of its health benefits:

JOHESU To Commence Warning Strike Action Today


The Joint Health Sector Unions (JOHESU) has directed its members to embark on a 7 day warning strike action after its meeting with the Federal Government ended in a deadlock.

In a letter dated 21st June 2016 and signed by its executives the body directed its members to proceed with its 7 day warning strike by 12 am Wednesday the 22nd of June 2016.
The letter reads:

Replace All Striking Resident Doctors- FG


In a circular released yesterday, June 21st, the Minister of Health, Professor Isaac Adewole, has ordered the replacement of all striking resident doctors in the various government teaching hospitals.

The Minister said the striking doctors failed to attend their training programmes despite ongoing negotiations and so their vacancies should be filled up with other doctors that have before now sent in their applications.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Nursing mother, baby pushed off 'Okada' over N100 by Police officer


One nursing mother and her son were injured in an accident caused by attempt by a policeman to extort N100 from a commercial motorcyclist, Okadaman, in Ondo town, Ondo State.

Eyewitness account said trouble started when a team of anti-crime police officers attached to one of the police stations in the town allegedly mounted a road block in one of the major roads.

Watch your face! It can say a lot about your health too


Your face can actually tell a lot about your health and diet intakes.
Signs like pimples and lip cracks are notable signs that we neglect. We need to eat right to replenish lost vitamins and minerals that the body needs for optimum development.
 Here are some proven facts about what the face says about your health, and remedies:

PALE SKIN MEANS -iron deficiency
Red meat contains haem iron which is the type found in the human body and also found in all forms of red meat, especially lean beef. So try eating some lean meat BUT not too much. A bite once a week is idle. Another source of Iron is Plantain, the half ripe or unripe plantain is very good.

Monday 20 June 2016

Wow! Free Digital Training For Women Entrepreneurs


 Plan to attend the free upcoming Google Digital Marketing Training for women entrepreneurs, in Port-Harcourt on June 23 2016 delievered by @livityafrica @poizemedia and supported by @google #InvestInMe #iAmPoize. There is still more space. Go to @poizemedia to get application details.

Reflections:You may not achieve your set goals But.....


Do you know that, If you reach for a goal, you may not get there, but at least you’ll get a lot further than if you hadn’t reached at all.
I recently came across an anecdote that used a simple illustration to make a big point. It related the story of a father and his children who were accustomed to taking long hikes in the mountains. The children knew every trail and track up the mountains. 

Monday 13 June 2016

Photo:Military Surgeons Remove Live Grenade From Soldier's Head


Military doctors successfully removed a live grenade from the head of a soldier in Colombia, cable news report said on Friday.

A soldier accidentally fired a grenade launcher during a patrol in Arauca, in the eastern part of the country, leaving a grenade embedded in his comrade's head.

Transporting the victim by helicopter was too dangerous so the soldier was taken by ambulance to a military hospital in the capital Bogota.

Reflections: You Need Rest And Relaxation


Life is busy and it seems each year it just gets busier. Work, family, school, and other commitments just eat the day away and leave us with no time to sit back and relax. However, rest and relaxation is very important. In fact, getting enough rest is imperative to living a healthy lifestyle and when we do not relax and get enough sleep, we are putting ourselves at risk for illness as well as other side effects. The body needs enough rest each night to function properly. The amount of rest each individual needs every night differs, but the average adult needs approximately 7-8 hours of sleep each night to restore their body with the energy it needs to handle all of the demands of living each day.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

NHIS:Only 2500 Primary health facilities are functioning in Nigeria


Only 2, 500 of the 30,000 primary healthcare facilities across the country are functioning, the Acting Executive Secretary, National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS), Mr Olufemi Akingbade, has said.

He said in Abuja yesterday when he led some senior officials of the agency on a visit to the Nigerian Communication Satellites Limited (NIGCOMSAT) that the 27, 500 facilities which should cater for more than 100 million poor Nigerians were without any health official and the facilities there were rotting away.
The implication of this, he said, was that many poor people who should be enjoying health care services from the government facilities had been cut off.

Nigerian senate begins amendment of Environmental Health Officers Act


The Senate Leader Ali Ndume, has sponsored a motion for the amendment of Environmental Health Officers Act in order to professionalise the practice in view of its importance to environmental safety.

The Act which was last amended in 2002 was lacking in many areas and thus could not support the dynamism of the environment, stressing that if amended as envisaged, it will empower Environmental Health Officers and Sanitation Personnel to discharge their responsibilities professionally.

“A Bill for an Act to amend the Environmental Health Officers Act, 2002 and for other related matters,” Ndume submitted.

Reflections:Miracles Still Happen


Following is a story told by Lois Bunker Woods of a miraculous incident that happened to her when she was a little girl.
The year is 1939. The place is an 80-acre dairy farm outside a small town, 16 miles from the nearest doctor or hospital. A little girl, an 18-month old toddler dressed in overalls, slams the screen door as she scrambles out onto the back porch to play in the sunshine.
Her mother is inside the house, cleaning. Outdoors on this warm spring morning, the world is full of delights to explore. The youngster runs through the dewy grass, picks dandelions and carries them back to the house. On the porch, an old enameled kettle sitting in the sun catches her eye. It is filled with peas soaking in arsenic (poisonous) solution, something that will prevent them from rotting when planted. Back then, seeds weren’t pretreated as most are today.

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