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Monday 21 December 2015

NEMA Set Up Volunteer Groups To Manage Early Warnings Of Disaster


The Director General of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has expressed concern over the attitude of people to disaster early warnings, adding that volunteer groups have been established to address this.

Sani-Sidi explained that the groups comprised National Youth Service Corps members, volunteers and executive volunteers.

Reflections: Christmas Gift In Disguise

Christmas had just begun to reveal itself in the green origami holly and red paper Santas that shop owners were taping onto their store windows. I grinned back at those chubby, chortling paper grandpas as my siblings and I climbed into the car for a long-awaited Christmas shopping trip. As Dad pulled out of the driveway, my mind was awhirl with thoughts of what I planned to buy: the romantic perfume for Mom, the snazzy watch for my older brother, the adorable doll for my little sister … and on my list went. I was bursting with excitement and could hardly wait until we’d reach the shopping mall. But we never did.
Halfway there, we were involved in an accident. Although we were unhurt, the young woman whose motorbike had smashed into the rear of our car had sustained minor injuries and was hurried to a nearby hospital. Thoughts of Christmas faded in the blur of phone calls, visits to the hospital and police station, and paperwork that stretched from days into weeks as my parents negotiated with the young woman and the insurance company. Complications arose, and the legal work surrounding the accident dragged on longer than anyone had expected. I groaned with agitation as I tore the page off the calendar each day and wondered when we would finally be able to put the incident behind us. 

N900bn Budgeted For Health Sector In 2016


About N900 billion which is a 15% of‎ the proposed 2016 annual budget is expected in the health sector to primarily cater for the basic healthcare needs of Nigerians.

With this on ground, based on the Primary Healthcare Act, child- maternal mortality is expected to be a thing of the past, judging from the fact that the maternal- mortality ratio has dropped by just 41% between 1990 and 2010, thereby making Nigeria one of the dangerous places in the world for women to give birth, with a record of 560 deaths per 100,000 live births after India which tops the chart.

Thursday 17 December 2015

FG should redirect attention to community health insurance - NMA


The Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) said the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) which was flagged off since June 2005 has covered less than 7 per cent of the Nigerian population.
Dr Kayode Obembe, NMA president, said this recently in Abuja to mark this year's International Day of Universal Health Coverage commemorated every December 12.

The NMA requested that government at all levels should redirect attention to community health insurance as a panacea for the 70 per cent out-of-pocket expenditure incurred by Nigerians.

TUC Opposes Privatisation Of Health Institutions


The National Executive Council of the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC) has opposed moves by the federal government to privatise the services of tertiary health institutions in the country.

The TUC stated this in Lagos, during its national executive council meeting, The union also said the introduction of such a policy will undoubtedly remove healthcare services from the reach of the common man in Nigeria.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

So, what did I miss?


Hello friends, I missed blogging and social media interactions, been so busy attending to my beautiful princess. The feeling is amazing and sweet, yet exhausting...Lol

The night cries, pooing, feeding, changing diapers and most of all, my lack of adequate sleep affected me but I am glad ''that phase'' is gradually fading off. I am now enjoy the cooing, blabbing and super laughter and smiles (oh.. how i waited for her to start smiling).

This harmattan  season is something else, we need to cover our kids properly and give them plenty of fluid and fruits to curb dehydration. The blue seal Vaseline and shear butter creams should be handy this period, rub it on their body properly to sooth their skin and prevent dryness and cracking of lips.

Do you know if that drinking water will expire?


 I know that you probably have not cared to check that bottled water..Lol

Does it mean that it is not safe for drinking? Let’s see:

Water doesn’t contain sugars or proteins, so microbes don’t consume and rot it, Discovery’s DNews explains in a new video.

But the chemistry of the water can change. When water is exposed to air, it absorbs CO2. A small portion of that (a little more than 0.1 percent) is converted into carbonic acid.

We have no budget for Tuberculosis in 2015


The Minister for health, Professor Isaac Adewole, has raised the alarm over lack of adequate funding for the health sector, lamenting that the menace of Tuberculosis was not provided for in the 2015 Budget of the ministry.

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