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Sunday 30 November 2014

Sunday Reflections
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''You may not see how it's going to work out but it will.
Keep the Faith.
You have made it this far and you will keep making it.
Just believe''
Don't be Afraid to Fail, Be Afraid not to Try!

Panic in China as Sea Mysteriously turns Blood-Red
        Image result for picture of china sea that turned redImage result for picture of china sea that turned red
 A waterway in eastern China has mysteriously turned a blood red color.
Residents in Zhejiang province said the river looked normal at 5 a.m. Beijing time on Thursday morning. Within an hour, the entire river turned crimson. Residents also said a strange smell wafted through the air.
“The really weird thing is that we have been able to catch fish because the water is normally so clear,” one local villager commented on China’s microblogging site Weibo.
Inspectors from the Wenzhou Environmental Protection Bureau said they have not found the cause of the incident, although water samples seem to indicate the suspicious color was a result of illegal dumping in the river.
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Some residents even believed a swimmer had been killed by a shark as the sea turned such a deep shade of crimson.
The scene will undoubtedly unsettle some as biblical texts forewarn a blood red sea is one of the ten plagues of Egypt marking the End of The World.
The bizarre scene in this case however isn't a prelude of judgement day but is in fact caused by algae blooms, which change colour to a deep red or dark brown when they reproduce in one area in large numbers.

Christian Association Of Nigeria Condemns Attack on Kano Central Mosque

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The Christian Association of Nigeria has condemned the attack on the Central Mosque in Kano by alleged members of the Boko Haram Islamic sect describing it as “an attack on all Nigerians.”
The association said the condemnation became necessary because “this particular attack is the greatest evil both to a fellow human being and to God almighty, it is an act that must be denounced by all Christians and Moslems for no God commissions the killing of a fellow being.”
The President of CAN, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, in a statement issued on Saturday in Abuja said:
“The entire Christian community in Nigeria received the news of the latest in the series of bomb explosions, this time around at the mosque near the Emir’s palace in Kano, with shock and disbelief. This is most unfortunate given the number of people that lost their lives in their bid to offer prayers to their Almighty in the usual Friday worship at the mosque.
“On behalf of the entire Christians community under the auspices of CAN, I wish to commiserate with the families of the victims especially those who lost their lives in the attack. This attack on the people of Kano is an attack on all Nigerians and must be addressed as such; this is the time for all to rise up and act, may God help us all as we make this strong efforts at curbing terrorism from our land.”
According to him, news of the death of one soul by any means, whether bomb blast, accident, illness of any form of attack was enough to sadden any human being adding, “but to learn almost on a daily basis about the death of hundreds of the lives of fellow compatriot is tormenting.”
Oritsejafor appealed to all Nigerians especially residents of the areas mostly prone to the attacks not to give in or succumb to the antics of the insurgents, because “this is the time to remain fearless in the face of terror.”
The CAN President said, “We cannot continue to allow the terrorists to continue to intimidate us in our land because we have no other place to call our own, we must cooperate with relevant authorities in addition to being extra vigilant, to defeat this terror; they are human beings and can be defeated, but we have to be united. Nigerians must be united both in prayers and in other practical steps, to defeat terror.
“I want to use this medium to re-emphasise the need for all faithfuls, especially during their hours of worship to be watchful to forestall any further attack on their places of worship, this is a clarion call. I urge security agencies not to relent in their efforts but to work harder and to understand that our prayers remain with them day and night.

Gbenga Ashiru, ex-Foreign Affairs Minister Dies at 66
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Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Amb. Olugbenga Ashiru, on Saturday died in a South African hospital after a long battle with brain tumour. He was 66 years old.
He was a Professor of Anatomy/Consultant Reproductive Endocrinologist.He was also a career diplomat and served as Nigerian Minister from 2011 until 2013 and was Nigeria's High Commissioner to South Africa.. RIP..amen

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Happy Sunday Friends

Emir of Kano Lamido Sanusi Visits Mosque Bomb Blast Scene
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The Emir of Kano, Muhammed Sanusi II who was out of Nigeria when the bomb blast at the Central Mosque in Kano occurred, arrived Nigeria today and went straight to the scene of the blast.the Emir, while at the scene said:
"From all indications, they (attackers) have been planning this for at least two months. I have directed that the mosque be washed and cleaned and prayers should continue here. We will never be intimidated into abandoning our religion, which is the intention of the attackers" he said

Photos: Pope Francis Visits and Prays at Blue Mosque in Istanbul Turkey

Image result for picture of pope francis visit to turkey mosqueImage result for picture of pope francis visit to turkey mosque
Image result for picture of pope francis visit to turkey mosqueImage result for picture of pope francis visit to turkey mosque
Pope Francis has celebrated a special Mass in Istanbul on the second day of his official visit to Turkey, Pope Francis, who is currently on a state visit to Turkey, joined Muslim faithfuls in Istanbul to pray at the Grand Mufti of Istanbul, Istanbul Blue Mosque yesterday which is also the 17th-century Sultan Ahmet mosque, aiming to show respect for Islam and encourage stronger ties between the two faiths.

He also said prayers with key Muslim and Orthodox Church leaders in a gesture of inter-faith harmony.

 62 People escapes death as Abuja- Ilorin Plane Crash-lands

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Fifty nine passengers and four crew members escaped death by the whiskers on Saturday when an Overland plane from Abuja overshot the runway at the Ilorin airport.
A statement by the General Manager, Public Affairs, of the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority, Mr. Fan Ndubuoke, on Saturday, said no life was lost in the incident, which he added, was already being investigated.
The statement read, “An Overland flight 1186, an ATR 72 aircraft with Registration number 5N-BPG from Abuja airport to Ilorin, carrying fifty nine passengers and four crew members,veered off the runway at low speed after a normal landing at the Ilorin Airport.
“The incident which occurred today Saturday, November 29, at 4.45pm, has no casualty recorded. However, the Accident and Prevention Bureau in conjunction with the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority has begun an investigation into the cause of the incident.
“The authority wishes to use this medium to reassure Nigerians that safety of the traveling public is still paramount and cannot be compromised.”
A source told one of Punch correspondents that three professors –a former Vice Chancellor, University of Ilorin, Prof. Ishaq Oleyede, Prof. Lanre Badmus and one unnamed professor — were  on board the flight.

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