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Wednesday 31 August 2016

Reflctions:Do You Have Broken Dreams??


“Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.”—Thich Nhat Hanh.

Those who have faith in God always get to their destination.

 We all have them: plans that didn’t turn out the way we’d hoped, prayers that seem like they didn’t make it past the ceiling, dreams that break and are shattered as we wonder what went wrong. We go on, leaving behind broken dreams and seemingly unanswered prayers, but often they remain etched in our mind along with a question mark. Why didn’t things turn out the way I had planned, or hoped, or prayed?
What is a broken dream, anyway, but an idea of a path, or somewhere we thought our life should go but that led us elsewhere. We made a turn, somewhere, where life seemed to fall apart, or we lost our way and missed it somehow. 

Thursday 25 August 2016

Reflections:Help Through Life's Storms


Some decades ago, when sea travel was much more common than air travel, a trans-Atlantic liner was caught in a storm. For two days the wind raged. Passengers were frightened. At last an anxious passenger climbed to where he could see the pilot. Returning to his fellow-passengers, he spread the good news. “We are alright!” he said. “The ship will make port. I have seen the pilot, and he is smiling.”

                God directs our life and cares for us. He is always with you and wants to give you peace, even in the midst of storm. 

Friday 19 August 2016

Reflections:Doing things for the right reasons


Have you ever put pressure on yourself to accomplish or do certain things because of your age? You probably have at some point in your life.
For instance, if you’re a young adult, you might feel pressure to figure out exactly what you’re going to do with your life. If you’re in your twenties, you might feel pressure to make your living or working arrangements more permanent and official. If you’re in your thirties, you might feel pressure to settle down and get married or have kids.
The list goes on and on.

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